Jerusalem Dome of the Rock

Middle East Notes, January 28, 2016

The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes focus on the growing involvement of the European Union in resolving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the execution of teenagers with knives or scissors without trial or discussion, unchecked Israeli vigilantism on the West Bank, the silence of U.S. Jewish organizations on Israeli “il-liberalism,” the growing de-legitimization of Israel due to the occupation and apartheid policies, and Israeli government attempts to silence internal and external opposition to the occupation.

Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Middle East Notes, December 31, 2015

This issue of Middle East Notes highlights the challenge of Jewish extremists to the future of Israel, the continuing support of Israel by the U.S. despite fears of its becoming a “unitary state” impossible to function, deteriorating global support for and criticism of occupation actions, reactions to the “breaking the silence” movement, and signs of weakening support of the occupation by some U.S. evangelical Christians.

Jerusalem Dome of the Rock

Middle East Notes, December 10, 2015

This issue of the Middle East Notes focuses on Secretary of State John Kerry’s critical words at the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C., that Israel moving towards a one State reality, the impression of other Obama administration officials that the Democratic Party and Israel are pulling further apart, calls that Israel be recognized as a de facto bi-national State since it is the only sovereign between the river and the sea, negative and positive responses to the present “knife intifada.”
