Justice for Immigrants (JFI), the immigrants' rights campaign of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has several resources available. Find them at the JFI website
For the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Dec. 12
- Homily notes | En Español
- Sample intercessions | En Español
- San Juan Diego prayer card (bilingual)
- Activities you can do (bilingual) | English | En Español
- Sample pulpit announcement (bilingual)
- Bulletin insert (bilingual)
Take Action Now for Immigration Reform
Take Action and send an e-postcard to your Members of Congress asking that they pass bipartisan immigration reform legislation. Or print the postcards to mail to your lawmakers.
Congressional Recess, Parish and Advocacy Materials
- Comprehensive immigration reform bulletin insert | En Español
- Suggestions for Homilists: Ordinary Time (Aug. 4-Sept. 8, 2013) | En Español
- Sample pulpit announcement | En Español
- Necessary Elements for Just Comprehensive Immigration Reform:
- Path to Citizenship
- Future Flow Worker Program
- Restoration of Due Process Protections
- Root Causes - Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities letter of support
- Comprehensive immigration reform backgrounder | En Español