We give thanks for you
We know it has been a hard year for many people, especially those on the margins of our communities, and that more difficult days may lie ahead. But this Thanksgiving, we feel overwhelmed with gratitude for your solidarity and activism.
Photo: Sharing a meal with migrants in El Paso, Texas, July 2018. Photo by Gerry Lee/MOGC
Some key moments this year
- Countless public demonstrations for peace, justice, the care for creation, and protection of the vulnerable. Our individual lights have been shining brightly together.
- More than 3,000 people have signed the pledge to stand in solidarity with people seeking asylum. We invite you to sign on at http://bit.ly/ProtectAsylum
- The courts have stopped the Trump administration from separating families at the border, restricting asylum, terminating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for people in the U.S. from Sudan, Haiti, El Salvador and Nicaragua, and from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Read our contribution to an amicus brief for the case to protect Dreamers.
- Hundreds of countries are meeting in Poland in December to address climate change and decide how to implement the Paris climate agreement. We invite you to sign the People’s Demands for Climate Justice to encourage bold climate action. https://www.peoplesdemands.org
- We submitted our input to a set of recommendations on nonviolence to be offered to the Vatican by the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative that we hope Pope Francis will address in an encyclical on nonviolence and just peace. Read about some of the peacemakers we consulted.
Please pray with us
On Thanksgiving Day, we invite you to share this prayer for everyone to be welcome at the table.
For the Season of Advent, which begins December 2, we offer the Walking Toward Hope Advent and Epiphany Devotional produced by the Interfaith Immigration Coalition. We are part of this alliance of faith-based organizations advocating for refugees and migrants in Washington, D.C.
Thank you for your prayers and actions, your solidarity and support.
In peace,
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns