We give thanks for you!
Thank you to the many people of faith and goodwill who remain committed to solidarity with vulnerable people and communities around the world. Thank you for the work you do to promote peace, social justice, and integrity of creation, and for supporting the efforts of this office.
Signs of hope emerge all around the world. In 2019, we are full of gratitude...
- For Pope Francis condemning the possession and use of nuclear weapons on his most recent trip to Japan.
- For faith communities resisting the record-low refugee cap set by President Trump, including a recent lawsuit against the cap by three religious communities on the grounds that it denies faith communities the opportunity to practice their faith through welcoming the stranger.
- For the Synod on the Amazon committing to care for the Amazon and integral ecology. Read a statement by the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) expressing hope for a path forward for the Church following the Synod.
- For Cardinal Blaise Cupich in Chicago writing a letter about the role Catholic Social Teaching plays in our political choices.
- For all who take action to stop climate change. All around the world, there is hope!
For the Season of Advent
We want to share with you these resources for prayer during the Season of Advent, which begins Sunday, December 1.
"Writing with Our Lives a New History of Peace" -- a 25-day Advent calendar created by the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth
Advent Prayer Calendar for Peace in South Sudan -- written by Solidarity with South Sudan, a collaborative commitment of religious working in partnership with the Church in South Sudan.
"Ignite the Light" Advent Guide -- produced by the Interfaith Immigration Coalition in Washington, D.C.
In peace and solidarity,
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Photo of the Youth Climate Strike in Washington, D.C. on September 20, 2019 by Dan Moriarty.