Trafficking in persons is a crime against humanity and ultimately a sin. Human trafficking denies the values of human life, exposes victims to serious health risks, endangers the mental well-being of victims and impedes the ability of victims to reach their full God-given potential. As Christians, we believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of the divine Creator, of God. The prophets cried out against the exploitation of the poor and of laborers who are not treated fairly and compensated justly (Job 24:1-12).
February 8 is International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking – a day to bring awareness to the world-wide crisis also known as modern day slavery. To raise awareness about human trafficking and kick off a year full of justice advocacy and faithful witness, the organization U.S. Sisters Against Human Trafficking offers a comprehensive list of resources for prayer, study, and action.
Click here for resources for prayer, study, and action against human trafficking.