The U.S. Senate has begun confirmation hearings for Scott Pruitt, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.
Email your Senators now: Click here to urge them to consider rejecting Scott Pruitt as EPA administrator.
For the last five years, Scott Pruitt has used his position as Oklahoma's attorney general to oppose important work by the EPA. The EPA protects our air, water and common lands. Mr. Pruitt has sued the EPA multiple times to roll back the Clean Power Plan and the Clean Water Rule.
Click here to read the letter we sent to all Senators, co-signed by 25 faith-based organizations, urging them to "carefully investigate, thoroughly question, and consider rejection of the appointment of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, who has a demonstrated history of ties to special-interest groups, has fought against the very agency he may head, and has worked at cross purposes for healthy communities and a healthy environment."
We believe we can get enough Senators to repond. But we need your help! Together we can protect the environment and human health.
Also call your Senators: it takes less than 5 minutes.
Dial 877-429-0678 to reach the U.S. Capitol Switchboard, when prompted, press or say "One" for the Senate and say the name of your state or enter your zip code, to be connected to your senator's office. When a staff person answers, ask to leave a message for the senator.
Here is a sample script:
"My name is _______ and I live in _______. I am calling to urge the senator to carefully investigate, thoroughly question, and consider rejecting the appointment of Scott Pruitt as administrator of the EPA. I am very concerned that Scott Pruitt's history of working to stop EPA programs and efforts means the environment and human health – especially in vulnerable communities – would be at risk. Thank you.