Maryknoll Sisters were among the founders of ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes). ECPAT-USA asks those of us in the U.S. to contact our senators and urge their support of S. 1738, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which has already passed the House of Representatives.
S. 1738 includes a range of improvements to existing law, for example these three that would especially assist the fight against the sex trafficking of children:
1. It clarifies current law and codifies court decisions that the conduct of buyers who “solicit” and “patronize” commercial sex with a child are committing the crime of sex trafficking. Buyers of sex acts with children fuel the sex trafficking markets; without demand, traffickers will lose their profits and countless children will be spared the horrors of sexual exploitation.
2. Authorizes state and local law enforcement to obtain wiretaps in state courts, without federal approval, to investigate trafficking and CSEC offenses more effectively.
3. Increases human trafficking identification and reporting by giving a way to citizens and lawful permanent residents who are victims of human trafficking to obtain official recognition of their status, and requiring regular reporting on the number of human trafficking crimes in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
The bill already has 28 co-sponsors, listed here. If your senator is NOT listed, please use this link to send him/her a letter, urging support of S. 1738. (It's always a good idea to thank the co-sponsors for their support, too.)
Co-sponsors (as of Oct. 7, 2014) of S. 1738:
Mark Begich, D
John Boozman, R
Mark Pryor, D
Dianne Feinstein, D
Christopher Coons, D
Marco Rubio, R
Mike Crapo, R
Mark Kirk, R
Daniel Coats, R
Susan Collins, R
Al Franken, D
Amy Klobuchar, D
Roger Wicker, R
Deb Fischer, R
Mike Johanns, R
New Mexico
Tom Udall, D
New York
Kirsten Gillibrand, D
North Dakota
Heidi Heitkamp, D
John Hoeven, R
Ron Wyden, D
Bob Casey, D
Pat Toomey, R
South Carolina
Lindsey Graham, R
Tim Scott, R
South Dakota
John Thune, R
John Cornyn, R (sponsor)
Mark Warner, D
Ron Johnson, R