Join us in celebrating the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the care of all creation. The pope has invited the global Church to participate in Laudato Si’ Week, May 16-24, a time for prayer, study and action for a more just and sustainable world. As we experience the coronavirus pandemic, now, more than ever, we are reminded of the truth of his words, “everything is connected.”
Visit the Laudato Si' Week website for prayer and event-planning materials, online retreats and webinars, and information on virtual events happening all over the world.
Share this prayer for the global Day of Prayer on Sunday, May 24.
Sign up to receive daily reflections for Laudato Si' Week from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Read and share our two-page brief on climate change as part of our 2020 U.S. election brief series, Faithful Voting and Global Concerns.
Visit the Catholic Climate Covenant website for U.S.-specific events and resources.
Sign a petition urging the World Bank to stop supporting the fossil fuel industry and instead invest in renewable energy solutions.