If you read the label on your clothing, chances are it says “Made in China,” or Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Honduras, Mexico. These labels connect us to garment workers around the world, many working in slave-like conditions.
Workers who make our clothing deserve a wage that will support them and their families to live a life with dignity.
No major chain in the U.S. sells clothing made in other countries that is fair trade. We can change that.
Between now and Black Friday (November 25), we invite you to send postcards to the CEOs of Macy’s and Kohl’s in support of a living wage at the sites where our clothes are made. Both of these companies have good track records in business practices. We are telling them: If they will lead, we will buy.
Contact us for postcards
To request that we mail postcards to you that you can sign, stamp, and mail to Macy’s and Kohl’s, email ogc@maryknoll.org or call (202) 832-1780.
There are two postcards - one to the CEO of Macy's and one to the CEO of Kohl's. Let us know the number of postcards you want, and your name and mailing address.
To learn more about the campaign, go to www.humanthreadcampaign.org. Or read this article about the campaign in the National Catholic Reporter.