Happy Easter! As we enter the Easter Season and close out the month of April, when we celebrate Earth Day, may we renew our spirits and commitment to justice and care for creation.
We see signs of hope to address the climate crisis.
Youth are calling on us to act, Congress is holding hearings and introducing climate-friendly legislation, and people of faith continue to make climate-friendly changes in their own lives and communities.
Four Hopeful Actions You Can Take Now
By recommitting ourselves to stewardship, sufficiency, and solidarity, we can be Easter people. Here are four hopeful actions you can take to get started:
- Support the Climate Action Now Act. The House of Representatives is expected to vote in the next couple of weeks on the Climate Action Now Act (HR 9), which is intended to keep the U.S. in the Paris climate agreement. Ask your Member of Congress to support the bill here.
- Sign onto Faith Principles for the Green New Deal. The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns has joined hundreds of other organizations in signing onto faith principles for a Green New Deal. Click here to add your name. Deadline to sign is early May.
- Join a webinar about “Catholic Social Teaching and the Green New Deal.” The Catholic Climate Covenant is hosting the webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, Tuesday, April 30th. Register for the webinar here.
- Explore "Next Generation Rises.” Our colleagues at Creation Justice Ministries developed an education, worship and action resource entitled "Next Generation Rises.” It focuses on children and youth leading the way for creation justice. It features stories such as that of the youth who brought the Our Children's Trust climate change lawsuit against the federal government and catapulted the Dakota Access pipeline opposition. Find the resource online here.
Thank you!
Image: Geelong School Strike. Photo by Flickr/SchoolStrike,available under license CC BY 2.0.