With the United States elections on November 5 around the corner, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns seeks to address some key policy areas that are at stake.
For the month of October, on Wednesdays at 6pm ET from Oct. 2-23, we are offering a series of webinars on policy issues that are significant to the Maryknoll family. Our hope is to share insights from the lived experiences of missioners that will be of interest to faithful voters or concerned global citizens.
Register to vote: https://vote.gov
Webinar details
Peace, War, and Human Rights
Wednesday, October 2, 6pm ET
Dan Moriarty, Peace and Nonviolence senior program officer, will address the global peace and nonviolence issues that we hope the candidates will address.
Register: https://mogc.info/10-2
Faithful Stewardship of Creation
Wednesday, October 9, 6pm ET
Lisa Sullivan, Integral Ecology senior program officer, will cover the environmental concerns the next U.S. President must confront.
Register: https://mogc.info/10-9
Debt Relief in a Jubilee Year
Wednesday, October 16, 6pm ET
Susan Gunn, director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns will share the need for debt relief to developing countries and the impact the presidency can have on the issue.
Register: https://mogc.info/10-16
Faith-based Migrant Justice
Wednesday, October 23, 6pm ET
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Heidi Cerneka, immigration lawyer in El Paso, Texas,
Maryknoll Sister Susan Nchubiri, program associate at MOGC, and
Iqbal Ahmad, Fellow of the University of Notre Dame Kroc Institute
will discuss the much needed immigration fixes needed and what the next U.S. president can do to uphold the human dignity of migrants around the world.
Register: https://mogc.info/10-23
Photo of the Capitol dome by Phil Roeder via Flickr.