December 2 will mark 40 years since the murders of the four U.S. churchwomen in El Salvador – Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, American lay missioner Jean Donovan of Cleveland, and Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel. For communities in El Salvador and in the United States, honoring this anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the churchwomen’s legacy and to be reinspired by their witness of Christian solidarity.
The Maryknoll Sisters will host a virtual gathering on December 2 from 7-8:30 p.m. EST. The event will feature Maryknoll Sisters, family members of the churchwomen, and missioners currently working in El Salvador, to reflect on the legacy of the four churchwomen.
Click here to join the gathering on December 2 via Zoom. (There is no registration, just click on the link on Dec. 2 at 7pm EST to join.) If you are unable to access the gathering via Zoom, you can access it via Youtube here.
Click here to download a program booklet to follow along with the virtual program.
You can explore the Maryknoll Sisters' website for more information on the anniversary and on the four churchwomen. You can also read more about 40th anniversary plans in our latest issue of NewsNotes.
Various other groups are hosting events in honor of the 40th anniversary, including Fordham University, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the SHARE Foundation. Events will continue to be added to this page as we are made aware of them.